Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Beyond the Rind - Behind the Lemon

               Hi all!  I first want to thank everyone for their support as I get this blog off the ground.  The response has been amazing and has kept me driven to continue with writing. I thought I would take a moment to let you all know who is behind Sour Notes.

               I am an accountant believe it or not, yes I said accountant, have I lost you yet?  I specialize in taxes, yes taxes, are you still there? Throughout my day of crunching numbers and bean counting, I look towards escaping into music. I have always been interested in radio fluff, however as I get older I appreciate the more obscure raw musical talent of individuals in the indie scene. I wonder how they do it…how they started writing, making music, recording, and finally performing.

Overall, I am intrigued by the entire experience of an artist. Imagining them playing in their basement or garage to becoming who they are on stage today. To me, seeing a live musical performance is more than just taking in some tunes, drinks and hanging with friends.  It becomes a musical journey and I become fixated on what is occurring behind the scenes as well as on stage, focusing how the drummer is performing, as well as the horn player, the backup vocals, guitar, bass, all the way to the lead singer. Watching every detail of the entire production unfold, left wanting more and patiently awaiting the next concert.

I have only begun writing this blog in the last couple months and I am far from perfection. The help I have received from social networking has exposed Sour Notes to the world has been a rewarding experience. I plan on changing up the sound of my blog just a little to create more of what I am feeling, rather than just giving a general review.

 My opinions on artists and music are just that, an opinion.  Please take my work as a general overview, but from the heart. I am not ‘qualified’ to give what some feel as a righteous view of an artist’s work, but feel I should share with those, out in the music world, my thoughts. Who knows, I could turn on any individual to a musician that may otherwise look the other way.  Or I may even turn off an individual to an artist that deserves a chance.  So take my words and formulate your own view, but please do check out all artists I write about (regardless of my approvals or disappointments towards them) and formulate your own opinion.  Good or bad, I enjoy being able to share my feelings while sharing everyone’s thoughts on the artists or songs I write about.
Thank you again for your support and let me know what your think at Sournotes1[at]gmail.com

                                                                                            Peace, Love and Music

~ Nic

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