Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Coldplay - Mylo Xyloto

Mylo Xyloto is Coldplay’s fifth studio album and the follow-up to the smash recording Viva La Vida or Death and All His Friends.  Comparable to Coldplay’s past releases this album is satisfying and it represents the band’s past but it is representative of future change.  Labeled as a concept album Mylo Xyloto has a novelistic approach to love and romance beginning with Hurts Like Heaven and finished up with the final track Up with the Birds.
Princess of China creates a disruption in the natural flow of the album by attempting a duet with Rihanna, a strange choice for this British pop group since they do not need a celebrity endorsement from an otherwise mediocre star.  Thought to be a promising track in the first minute and a half, her vocals turn the electronica groove into just another song on a pop record. The duet aside, there are other aspects of this album to take note. Major Minus develops a U2 feel with its anthem chorus, Hurts Like Heaven has an ‘in your face’ indie sound that starts off the new record and Paradise, the second single release, is catchy in its own right. 
When listening to this album it is easy to predict Martin to be on stage in a sold out arena for this upcoming tour, this will become the reality that will capture the true ambience of this album.  It suits stadium tours around the globe and will surely be a ‘sing-a-long’ for any fan. 

1 comment:

  1. Indeed a very amazing album. Full of energy and colors. And exiting new direction for the band.
